6 Tips on How to Reduce Stress When Moving

Stress When Moving


Moving to a new house presents some challenges, which is quite a hurdle. Even the people who have moved several times can confess there is no way to evade the stress. However, it does not have to be that bad. There are several things you can do to reduce stress. Consider the six discussed in this article.

Plan and Start Early

The trick to reducing the stress of moving is starting early. So, if you have enough time to plan things, do it a month before to ensure you have everything in place. Starting early helps you know your packing materials and how to get them. Having a master plan of how you will do things is also vital. So, schedule dates depending on what you must do and set deadlines. Let the plan guide you to what you should do and how much time you should spend on a task.


It is crucial to develop a positive mentality before you start packing. Otherwise, you will find nothing good, and it will be very hard to cope with the stress. You should also find time to declutter. Remove the clutter and remain with the essential things. Having a lot of unnecessary things elevate the stress and make it costly. Therefore, find a way of getting rid of unwanted items. Throw away the broken and unusable ones, donate others like clothes or give them to your friends, or have a yard sale. Take moving as an opportunity to declutter your new home.

Hire Movers

It will also be thoughtful to hire professionals to help you. Even if movers do not alleviate all the stress, they will handle the logistics and remove the burden from your shoulders. However, the process of moving depends on the quality of movers you pick. Great movers like Rodi Moving & Storage offer reliable services, and you can trust them. You can go for full-service movers who take care of everything or hire them to transport special items and appliances.

Ask Friends to Help

People who have moved know the stress involved at some point in their life. Therefore, finding friends or family members, you can trust will be a good idea. Ask them to help pack or transport the items to the loading truck. Being there, even if they will not help, can also help reduce the stress. You may also ask them to watch your kids or pets as you pack. Don’t forget to bring them lunch and snacks.

Label Your Boxes

Before you start packing, have a system on how you will sort the items. You can use different colors, but labeling is the best way to ensure you know what is in the box. So, indicate the content and destination to make it easy to sort out items when packing and unpacking.

Take Care of Yourself

Despite the stress involved, you should focus on your wellness by giving yourself breaks. Read a book, spend time with your family, and exercise. Don’t deny yourself good food and a cup of hot coffee.


Hopefully, these tips will help you reduce stress the next time you move. It is best to hire movers for s stress-free move. They offer different services, including packing, loading and unloading, unpacking, and storage.

Check out the infographic below for more tips on keeping your move stress free!

Venice, FL moving services

Infographic provided by Master Movers, a Venice, FL moving services company

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