Keeping Your Home Secured While You’re Away

Keeping Your Home Secured While You’re Away


It should be noted that a huge number of homeowners today are often not at home because of work and other related responsibilities. Others go on a vacation for a considerable period of time which can leave their homes vulnerable. It is pretty normal to feel uncertainty as you can’t help but worry about what will happen to your house while you are away. There are however, a number of measures you can take to keep your home safe and secured.

Be Sure to Lock Everything

One of the first order of business in keeping your home safe while on vacation is to make sure that every single possible entry to your home is locked. The same can also be applied with regards to your windows as others can use them as a point of access. If you have a habit of leaving spare keys, don’t forget to remove them and stow them away. Hiding them under a mat or attached to a mailbox is not safe as this may pique the interest or curiosity of others.

Install Security Cameras

It is good to hear that modern technology has contributed greatly in helping keep our homes well protected. One of these innovations can be found in the form of security cameras which has proved to be very valuable in helping keep track of what’s happening on the inside, as well as the exterior parts of your home. Having security cameras can also discourage people to do anything suspicious, as they will be aware that their movements are monitored.

Consider Getting a House Sitter

Nothing beats having an actual person watch your home while you are away. A number of home ownerswere able to ask a close friend, neighbor or a relative to look after their house for the time being. With that being said, not it is important to note that not everyhome owner today has someone that they can ask to watch their place. During such cases, many were able to find timely and active support in the form of a house sitter. These individuals are tasked with the responsibility to live in and care for the property that they are minding. This includes various activities aside from house security such as house cleaning duties, caring for pets, garden lawn and maintenance, forwarding mail and phone message and many more.

Having these a house sitter does indeed go a long way in helping their clients feel safe and secured during their trip. It is good to hear that the service itself has become more accessible with them setting up and integrating their service over the internet. This in turn makes it possible for just about anyone to be able to get in touch with them at any given time when the need calls for their clients to do so. Sites such as allows their clients to setup an appointment with them at their very own leisure and pace since everything can be done over their website.

When you’re away from your home, you are more vulnerable to porch pirates– People who steal packages off of others’ porches. Check out the infographic below for more steps you can take to protect your home from these burglars, even while you are away.

construction site security cameras

Infographic created by Eye Trax, a provider of construction site security cameras

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