7 Simple Strategies for IAS Exam Preparation

IAS Exam Preparation


The UPSC exam is one of the most prestigious exams in India. It is attempted by lakhs of people across the country every year. However, only a tiny fraction of them are able to fulfil their IAS ambitions.The Civil Services exam is not only challenging in terms of the length of its syllabus, but it is also daunting because of its highly unpredictable nature.

There are plenty of preparation strategies and tips while preparing for IAS Exams. However, make sure that you follow the tips which are easy to adapt to and are the most effective ones that can help you sail through the long drawn battle of clearing the Civil Services exams.Go through the details regarding powers and responsibilities of an IAS Officer on the linked page.

Simple Strategies for IAS Preparation

1. Get acquainted with the syllabus – The syllabus is the soul of any exam. Knowing the syllabus is the foremost thing to do before you go through the books. The UPSC has provided the syllabus for the Civil Services Preliminary and Main examination in an elaborate manner. Aspirants should understand and follow the syllabus for UPSC exam. Knowing the syllabus will help to choose relevant study materials, prioritize the subjects, etc.

2. Set a Study schedule – Without a time table you can never know the direction in which you are heading. Before making a time table you need to comprehensively understand the syllabus and work accordingly to tackle them step by step. Time table will help you lead in the right direction and with the right speed. Make sure that you have the short term, medium term and long term goals in the time table.

3. Gather relevant and recommended books – There are innumerable books available in the market and it is very difficult to cover the content of lots of resources in a limited time period. But aspirants must keep in mind that it is better to stick to specific resources and revise their content rather than referring to too many books and ending up with a lack of revision as well as confusion. You invest a lot of time and money for this preparation. Thus you have to be wise in choosing the materials properly.

4. Prepare Notes with proper structure – Notes will be an important arsenal in your battle of clearing the Civil Service exam. Without easily accessible simplified notes, the battle is long lost even before it has begun. Refer to the credible sources of study materials and make notes with right analyses. This notes that you prepare at every stage will be of greatest help in your preparations. Remember, At the fag end of the preparation one cannot go through an ocean of material and make accurate analyses of all the topics.

5. Practice Test Series – IAS Toppers recommend solving mock tests and practice papers are an essential part of UPSC preparation. Regular practice of tests can improve your speed, assess your preparation levels, evaluate yourself among thousands of your fellow aspirants, help to rectify preparation accordingly and enhance your confidence level.

6. Exercise and meditate – Meditation is a proven way of finding inner peace and helps in staying calm and composed. Peace of mind is indeed a prerequisite for a daunting task such as preparing for the IAS exam. It helps improve your IQ and makes your brain more alert and sharp. Exercise keeps you away from laziness and pushes you towards a more energetic day throughout. Preparation for the IAS exam requires rigorous hard work and thus you need to have a lot of energy for doing that.

7. Revision for best performance – It is impossible to recollect every topic with all its fine details if you do not do regular revisions.All the efforts will go down the drain without proper and religious revision. Hence, allocate some time for revision at the end of every day, and keep a habit of revising all the topics covered in the week over the weekend. This will help to recollect all the topics with ease as the time progresses and you will be in a better position to answer the questions accurately.

Remember, the IAS examination cannot be cracked by just being a bookworm. The focus should not merely be on finishing the syllabus, but on constantly acquiring information and insight, strategically leading the preparation, revision and practice, focus and motivation, etc.Get details on IAS Full Form on the given link.

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