Testosterone is considered to be the “male hormone” which is produced by men in the testicles. The team of Evan Bass Men’s Clinic highlight that testosterone hormone levels are extremely important for normal male sexual development and functions. During puberty, testosterone helps boys to develop certain masculine traits, like muscle strength, deeper voice and facial hair. Men also require testosterone to make sperm. Testosterone levels typically decrease with age. Therefore, older men often have low blood testosterone levels.
Evan Bass Men’s Clinic talks about testosterone levels in men
Testosterone is the male sex hormone. It is responsible for mass muscle, growth of the penis and testicles, facial hair and sex drive in men. It also helps the testicles produce sperm as well as the penis to become erect. The pituitary gland signals the testicles to start producing testosterone when a boy is around twelve or thirteen. Testosterone production may begin to ebb as a man crosses fifty. Maintaining balanced testosterone levels throughout life would support the sex drive and fertility of a man, as well as build the strength of his muscles and bones.
The pituitary gland is a small gland at the base of the brain that controls testosterone production. It sends signals to the testicles to make testosterone. This hormone then circulates throughout the body through the bloodstream. Testosterone plays a huge role in maintaining bone density and bone health. With age, bone density in men decreases. A healthy level of testosterone can help protect a man against bone diseases like osteoporosis. Testosterone levels also impact the memory, mood and ability of a man. Men who have low levels of testosterone would have a higher risk of suffering from depression, fatigue, and general irritability.
There are multiple symptoms of low testosterone in men. These symptoms range from low libido and erectile dysfunction to reduced muscle mass and energy levels. Brain fog, characterized by a lack of focus and mental clarity, can also be a symptom of low testosterone in men. However, the symptoms mentioned can also be caused by many other factors like cardiovascular disease, obesity, anxiety, sleep apnea, poor sleep habits and diabetes. The team of Evan Bass Men’s Clinic mentions that a medical professional can help a man to determine whether they have adequate testosterone levels. Blood tests are generally the only way to know for certain if one’s testosterone levels are low. The normal range for testosterone in men is above 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). Two blood tests on separate days must show low testosterone levels before confirming a diagnosis. In case the testosterone of a man is below 300 ng/dL, his doctor may recommend testosterone replacement therapy.
Men should visit their primary care physicians at least once or twice a year for a general checkup, which involves the evaluation of blood pressure, cholesterol levels, diabetes risks and other general health indicators. Testosterone levels are not typically a standard part of this workup panel, and are only checked if a man has symptoms. Erectile dysfunction and loss of muscle mass are among the most common issues that may prompt a testosterone blood test.