Roger Wolfson Highlights on 2 Effective Screen Writing Tips for Newcomers

Roger Wolfson Highlights on 2 Effective Screen Writing Tips for Newcomers


The task of knowledge on how to write a movie script is different from actually doing it. So, how does the new writer take the plunge and start getting into screenwriting? Experts in the field of screenplays suggest you should first read as many screenplays as you can. The task here is to know how they have been actually formatted. You should become habituated with the way they look so that you get the confidence to write professionally. In this way, you are able to submit your work to agents that make movies. You can use credible screenwriting software that helps you to format the screenplay and present it to film agents confidently.

Know the format first

Roger Wolfson is a popular scriptwriter, activist, TV writer, and speechwriter in Los Angeles known for his wealth of experience in the field. He has an inspiring presence in the industry in the USA and guides aspiring candidates interested to take up scriptwriting as a career.

2 Tips for starting with scriptwriting

You should first know that any screenplay before the movie producers have revised it is called the “spec script.” This script will not have elements that makers of movies add like camera angles and scene numbers. This means when you are able to submit your screenplay to the agent, make sure you know about this difference.

  • The structure of the screenplay

A complete screenplay for any movie is around 100 pages. This means one page is approximately a minute of the screen time. So, make sure that anything between 90 to around 110 pages will work well. But, if this number differs drastically, it will not be good for the writer when making submissions to film agents.

  • Make sure the format is precise

One can download software online to help with the right format.

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They will automatically format the screenplay for you. This means you can focus on writing your screenplays from sitcoms to mega dramas without hassles.

Two factors for you to keep in mind

When you are working on the screenplay, ensure you keep the following factors in mind-

  • Make sure that the screenplay is typed on an A4 sized paper and bound together firmly.
  • The tile of the screenplay, along with the writer’s contact details, should be displayed on the first page for easy access.

Good writers like Roger Wolfson say your choice of words is also important for a good screenplay. Check them out when you research for formats. Keep your characters in mind and always draw an outline before you write. Your screenplay must keep the needs of the targeted audience in mind.

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You are writing for them. The screenplay is not fiction, so do not describe the protagonist’s inner thoughts or background. The writer needs to stay invisible, and the characters need to come alive with the words used. This is an important tip you must keep in mind all the time for great screenplay writing.

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