What are the Most Scoring Topics in IIT JEE?

the Most Scoring Topics in IIT JEE


JEE/IIT being one of the most competitive entrance engineering exams, you need to put more emphasis on the important topics of the JEE /IIT Exam to achieve the success in the examination. Important chapters which have high-weightage should be on the top list of your preparation strategies.

In order to complete the entire syllabus for JEE Exam, you need to start with smart study preparation. It is imperative to know the important chapters and focus more on that from the very beginning of your preparation. Plan a well-structured strategy by focusing on tough and high-weightage chapters.

Important Topics in JEE Main 2019

One of the important things to prepare best for JEE exam is to know the exam syllabus, pattern, and chapter-wise weightage of the topics. Here we present you with important chapters for Paper 1 and Paper 2 with important topic wise weightage and the number of questions asked in the exam.

Paper 1 –comprises of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. In this, 80% weightage is given to the theory part. Let’s start with important topics and weightage for each topic of Physics.

Physics- There are around 20 chapters in Physics. The syllabus for Physics is divided into 5 sections:

  • Optics and Modern Physics
  • Mechanics
  • Current Electricity and Electromagnetic Induction
  • Heat and Thermodynamics
  • Electrostatics and Magnetism

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JEE Important Chapters for Physics

Topics Weightage (in %) Number of Questions
Electric Potential and Capacitance 3.3 02
Moving Charges and Magnetism 6.3 02
Current Electricity 4.7 03
Electromagnetic Waves and Communication Systems 3.3 02
Rotational Motion 6.3 02
Law of Motion 2.7 03
Alternating Current 1.7 02
Wave Optics 4.7 02
Work, Energy and Power 3.7 02
Units and Dimensional 5.3 01
Thermodynamics 6.3 01
Semiconductors 10.7 01

Note: Have a strong hold on concepts and you can master the subject of Physics easily. Give a thorough reading of the complete syllabus and keep in mind these important topics.

Chemistry- There are 25 chapters in the prescribed syllabus of Chemistry. The subject is divided into three sections:

  • Organic Chemistry
  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • Physical Chemistry

JEE Important Chapters for Chemistry

Subject Topic Weightage (in %) Number of Questions
Inorganic Chemistry Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 7.33 03
Inorganic Chemistry P-Block Elements 5.67 02
Inorganic Chemistry Coordination Compounds 5.00 02
Inorganic Chemistry D and F Elements 8.33 01
Organic Chemistry Organic Compounds Containing Oxygen 8.33 03
Organic Chemistry Hydrocarbons and their Substituents 6.33 02
Organic Chemistry Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry 6.33 01
Organic Chemistry Biomolecules and Polymers 5.67 01
Organic Chemistry Chemistry of Environment and Everyday Life 1.67 02
Physical Chemistry Equilibrium 3.33 04
Physical Chemistry States of Matter and Solutions 7.33 02
Physical Chemistry Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry 2.67 02
Physical Chemistry Surface Chemistry 5.67 01
Physical Chemistry Thermodynamics 3.67 01

Note: Make a solid-base of bond formation, breaking and periodic table as Chemistry revolve around these topics.

Mathematics- There are close 15 chapters in the subject. You can master this subject only by practising more and more questions. JEE syllabus for Maths is divided into 4 sections:

  • Algebra
  • Trigonometry
  • Calculus
  • Coordinate Geometry

JEE Important Chapters for Mathematics

Topics Weightage (in%) Number of Questions
Matrix and Determinants 4.00 03
Integration 8.00 02
Progressions and Series and Binomial Theorem 6.00 03
Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations 5.00 02
Conic Sections 6.00 02
3D Geometry 5.00 02

Note: Unlike Physics, there is no very important or less important topic in Maths. Everything is basically dependent on each other, so it’s better to practice previous year question paper and mock test from all the chapters.

Paper 2 – In order to take admission for courses B. Arch/B. Planning, you must appear for Paper 2 which includes subjects- Maths, Aptitude and Drawing. The syllabus for the subject Maths remains the same as Paper 1. Maths and Aptitude is an Online exam (objective multiple-type) and Drawing Test is an offline exam.

JEE Important Topics for Aptitude Test

  1. Three-Dimensional Perception- 3 D forms with volume colour and orientation.
  2. Architecture Awareness- Information related to general awareness and interest of famous architectural creations- within a country, outside, celebrities and places as well.
  3. Three-Dimensional Perception- 3 D forms with volume colour and orientation.
  4. Imagination and Aesthetic Sensitivity- Composition activity with elements and context mapping.
  5. Geometrical Drawing- Includes lines, triangles, circles, polygons, elevations, aerial view, and simple solid objects like cones, cubes, cylinders, prisms, etc.
  6. Freehand Drawing-Drawing in correct proportion and form, details of components in suitable scale, relative location and surface texture.

From this year, JEE Exam will be conducted by NTA. For January sessions exams are scheduled from 6th -20th January 2019 and for April sessions exam are scheduled from 6th -20th April 2019.

We have compiled some important topics for you from all the subjects in order to help you to crack JEE Main 2019. Divert your attention to these important chapters and adopt rigorous practise sessions to increase your chances of scoring well in the JEE/IIT Examination.  Don’t forget to download JEE Main app. It provides free study material, quizzes, mock test, previous year papers, and all the updates related JEE Main exam

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